Why is it so hard to get back into a routine after the holidays? Last night was the first night since before Christmas that we had time at home alone just the three of us. We both looked at each other and said we felt like we should call someone to do something. We were good and spent time at home with just the three of us. I'm hoping with the actual work week starting next week, things will fall back into a routine. Oh and we did absolutely nothing on New Year's Eve. David had to work and I sat at home. I've decided that I will do something next year. I'm tired of sitting at home doing absolutely nothing on New Years Eve. To my friends, be prepared....we're partying at my house next year!
Like most others I've been hearing from, I'm happy to see 2009 go. It was not a stellar year to say the least. Of course the best part of the year was the birth of Olivia. I won't go over the downs of the year. I'm not going to dwell on the past. But I am excited about the new year. 2010 is already promising many exciting things to come our way. These past few days, I've been thinking about the goals I wanna work on in the new year. I don't like to call them resolutions. It always seems like resolutions never get accomplished, so I refer to them as goals for the new year. I've decided to keep it limited to three. That way I'm more likely to achieve them.
My goals for 2010:
1. Lose the baby weight-I gained 54lbs. with Olivia. WHOA!!! Way too much. I've already lost a good chunk of that and right now I'm sitting at 18lbs above my start weight. I wanna lose over what I started, so I've decided that I want to set 30lbs. as my goal. I know I can do it because that is what I weighed in 2008 and I already have the skinny clothes that fit me at that weight. So that is another reason for wanting the extra ten pounds off.
2. Work towards a better marriage-I won't go into all the nitty gritty, but in 2009, we took the focus off of our marriage, especially after Olivia arrived. We've both talked over it and we both are working on it. I'm not talking on the verge of divorce or anything, we have just forgotten to put each other first and take time out for just the two of us. I think an established date night (with just the two of us) is about to be put in place.
3. Get organized-This year I'm getting organized. I'm going to dump all the stuff that we don't need and never use. I'm going to get all our paperwork in order, so every time we need something, we know exactly were to find it. I want to organize our closets and keep them that way. This goal should be the easiest since most of this will be accomplished when we move into the new house. The storage space alone in this house sold me, so it's not going to be too hard to get organized. The hardest part will be keeping it organized.
So, that's what I'm working on throughout this new year. I'll do update post every so often to keep myself on track with how I'm doing. My google reader climbed up to over 200 while I was out of town, so if you've posted anything these past two weeks, I haven't read it. I'm hoping to get back to reading soon. Hope everyone had a great New Years!!!
The sirst 6 weeks of your first baby are quite rough on a marraige! Aaron and I were at eachother's throats a few times. We ended up talking it over and adjusting. Glad to see you want to make that a focus. So many people get completely wrapped up in baby and forget about the one who helped make it! ;o)
This is my first time here since the makeover. Looove it! Super cute!
Love your goals!
Great stuff
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