Saturday, April 25, 2009


You won't believe me when I tell you this...I, yes I, accidentally threw away Olivia Kate's ultrasound pictures from Wednesday.

I am so mad at myself right now. I realized last night that I hadn't seen the pictures since we were in the car leaving the appointment on Wednesday. I just assumed that they fell in between the seat and the middle console in the car. This morning I went out to look for them and they were not there. I came inside and looked in a few places they might have been, but had no luck. It then hit me that maybe I threw them in one of the shopping bags I had. Problem is I had already threw the bags in the trash and David took the trash up to work to throw away in the dumpster.

I went outside to tell him what had happen. Being the sweet husband & daddy he is, he immediately jumped in the truck to go dig through the dumpster at work. I thought they were in the trash bag he threw away last night, but I didn't realize he had took the trash Thursday morning when he left for work and the dumpster was emptied sometime on Friday.

So, the pictures are gone. My baby girl's pictures are now sitting in the county landfill. The thing that sucks the most is that I didn't even really look at them on Wednesday. With so many people there and the excitement of the morning, I didn't get a good look. Plus, it had Davids favorite picture (so far) of her. She had her face looking straight at us and had her hand up by her face. It just looked so cute. I think he's kinda mad at me. I never do things like this. I'm pretty good about keeping up with stuff.

Luckily, I have another ultrasound on May 5th so we still have a chance for more pictures. I know in the huge scope of things this is nothing, but still I'm mad at myself.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it does suck...but still. Mom said she has some pics that she took. You'll have plenty more of your sweet Olivia Kate! :) Love you!